Las Vegas Workshop

Seeds of Science/Roots of Reading: An Integrated Approach to Science and Literacy Instruction

Traci Wierman
Meeting Materials


Closing the achievement gap in our nation between native English speakers and English language learners will require educators to address the needs of the English language learners. Along with being the fastest growing segment of the school population, English language learners are also among the most academically vulnerable students in schools today (Wong-Fillmore & Snow, 2000). In science achievement, in particular, English language learners score significantly below their native English-speaking peers.

e-Mentoring for Student Success (eMSS)

Alyson Mike

Online professional development that provides content-focused mentoring is an optimal solution to support new teachers. While there are many different online professional development options available today, not all programs are the same. It is prudent to look to the recommendations and criteria outlined in the professional development and distance learning research and the research on mentoring to help guide the selection of an online professional development program that best meets the needs of beginning science, math, and special education teachers.