Senior Research Scientist, Education Development Center, Inc.
Babette Moeller is a senior research scientist at the Center for Children and Technology (CCT) of Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC). Her work focuses on the development of and research on educational programs across the curriculum that help to ensure that elementary, secondary, and post-secondary students with disabilities will be included in and benefit from educational reform efforts. As project director of numerous research and development projects, Moeller has had extensive experience in designing and implementing technology-supported programs in general and special education, providing professional development for teachers and administrators in a variety of settings, and conducting formative and summative evaluation research. Moeller currently serves as past president of Science Education for Students with Disabilities (SESD), a professional group affiliated with the National Science Teacher Association (NSTA). Moeller has taught courses in technology integration, media research, and child development at Fordham University’s Graduate School of Education and the New School for Social Research, and currently serves as adjunct faculty at Bank Street College of Education. Moeller holds a PhD in developmental psychology from the New School for Social Research. Moeller is PI of the NSF-funded project, Supporting Staff Developers in the Implementation of Professional Development Programs to Improve Mathematics Education for Students with Disabilities.
Professional Development to Provide Access to Standards-Based STEM Education for All Learners
Standards-based reform holds great promise for increasing the rigor and quality of mathematics education for students with disabilities. The recently released Common Core Standards in Mathematics (2010) and those of the National Council for Teachers of Mathematics (2000) clearly recognize that all students, including those with disabilities, “must have the opportunity to learn and meet the same high standards if they are to access the knowledge and skills necessary in their post-school lives.” (CCSSI, 2010). To date, however, this promise has not been readily fulfilled. Research shows that, while teacher quality is the single most powerful influence on student learning, teachers often are not well prepared to implement standards-based mathematics education with heterogeneous groups of students that include students with disabilities and students with different capabilities, needs, and learning styles. Read more