Video-Rich, Web-based Professional Development to Improve Science Discussions

Sue Doubler, TERC, Inc.
The Successful K-12 STEM Education: Identifying Effective Approaches in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics report emphasizes three qualities of effective professional development: developing teachers’ ability to teach content, developing instructional practice, and providing sustained opportunity for learning over time. In this session, these qualities are explored in the context of video-rich PD aligned with curriculum. Professional learning focuses on increasing the quality of science discussions. Teachers engage in independent Web study, try idea in their classrooms, and participate in study groups to share their progress. In the session, participants try out nine strategies that support productive discussion.

About the Presenter:
Sue Doubler, Co-Director, Center for Science Teaching and Learning, TERC, Inc.
Sue Doubler is co-director of the Center for Science Teaching and Learning at TERC (a nonprofit educational research and development center for K–12 mathematics and science learning) and former associate professor of science education at Lesley University in Cambridge, MA. She is currently principal investigator of the Talk Science! project, which is developing Web-based, video-rich professional development aligned with curriculum to support productive science talk. Doubler was principal investigator of the Inquiry Project, a longitudinal study of children’s understanding of matter. The project resulted in a program of coherent curriculum, assessment, and professional development based on research. The work is founded on a learning progression for matter. Doubler was also co-principal investigator of the Fulcrum Teacher Leadership Institute, a Math and Science Partnership with Tufts University. She led the development and implementation of a fully online master’s program in science education for K–8 teachers through collaboration between TERC and Lesley University. Her work focuses on the interface between science education and technology. She is particularly interested in using technology to support inquiry-based learning. Before coming to TERC, she was an instructional specialist and teacher in the Winchester Massachusetts Schools.