Broadening Advanced Technological Education Connections (BATEC)

Deborah Boisvert


Broadening Advanced Technological Education Connections (BATEC) is the National Science Foundation’s Advanced Technological Education National Center for Computing and Information Technologies. BATEC’s efforts in curriculum, outreach, and research reflect the demands of the 21st century workplace. BATEC is working in the urban areas of Boston, Chicago, San Francisco, and Las Vegas to:

  • define, extend, and strengthen computing and information technology pathways and career opportunities;
  • facilitate and leverage strategic partnerships with education, business, government, and community to build awareness, generate interest, and support learning opportunities;
  • conduct actionable research to inform policymakers, IT educators, and workforce development agencies; and
  • participate in and lead the national discussion on the subject of integrated curriculum and applied IT.

BATEC is changing it education by encouraging Educators & Industry to support each other.

Curriculum development is authentic and centered on a team-based approach, with educators and industry partners working together to explore emerging technologies. Advanced rigorous content is collaboratively created in response to current and emerging industry needs. Academic faculty engage with students in a performance-based learning model that makes use of case- and/or problem-based methodologies. Students develop strong technical knowledge combined with authentic critical-thinking and higher-order analytical skills that will empower and advance them in today’s workplace. BATEC is also working to integrate applied IT skills for the career professional working in broader fields of study such as business, energy management, education, law enforcement, health, and the life sciences.

BATEC is connecting industry, educators, & students in open dialog about the future of IT education.

The BATEC community convenes and participates in strategic initiatives designed to build lasting relationships and meaningful dialogue. Industry Forums introduce educators and students to relevant information technologies and services that are driving our local economy. Summer Institutes support academic faculty in their efforts to learn and develop curricula that integrate skills standards and problem-based methodologies. Workforce Education Summits convene a forum for thought leaders from business, education, government, and community to explore critical research-based trends and opportunities for identifying the right balance of education, experience, and skills for success in the 21st century workforce.

BATEC is inspiring students to discover the opportunities that exist for them in IT and IT-dependent fields.

College and Career Fairs connect students with higher education opportunities, admissions counseling, and career information. Student Leadership Programs such as the Tech Know How Lab and BATEC Ambassadors are developing the employability skills needed for future career pursuits. Dual Enrollment Courses are an opportunity for high school students to experience college classes and receive course credit. The Tech Apprentice Program connects talented high school students with paid technology-focused internships in local companies, while college students gain experience and provide real value for small businesses and high-tech start-ups. The Bridge to Community College Initiative transitions underserved adults to the Community College system.

BATEC is leading the way by sharing the knowledge and success of our partners with others.

BATEC enjoys a history of success contributing to the continuous improvement of computing and IT programs. Our partner institutions rely on us to shape their programs so that their students benefit from the right balance of education, experience, and skills development. Conference presentations and “How-To” manuals allow others to learn from our models. Our Synergy Conferences convene educators in a forum designed to share learning models and experiences focusing on new tools and approaches for implementing 21st century teaching and learning practices.

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