CAPSULE: How to Use Engineering-Based Learning (EBL) in High School STEM Teaching

Presenter: Jessica Chin
Engineering-based learning (EBL) is a teaching and learning model for high school STEM courses based on systematic structure, organized tools, proper resources, and hands-on real-world experiences. In this session, participants learn and experience EBL through hands-on activities. At the end of this workshop, participants are provided with a series of resources, tutorials, templates, and sample implementation plans.

Jessica Chin, Research Engineer, Northeastern University
Jessica Chin has served as the lead research assistant for an NSF ITEST grant to design, develop, and implement the CAPSULE (CAPstone Unique Learning Experience) project. CAPSULE was a three-year study to teach engineering-based learning (EBL) to K–12 teachers. For the past four years, Chin has assisted K–12 teachers in the development and implementation of EBL in their classrooms. Her work has been published in various education and engineering journals and conferences. She regularly speaks to K–12 students about how and why engineering impacts their lives and the various paths to becoming an engineer. Chin also talks to students about how her interest in engineering stemmed from her love of photography and how one can love and continue both art and science as an adult. She assists K–12 classrooms with the introduction to Solidworks™ and 3D modeling as well. In addition to EBL, Chin’s dissertation work is on the development of a predictive model for chronic wound tracking. She has been collaborating with leading research and development laboratories including the Modeling, Analysis, and Prediction (MAP) Laboratory and the Center for STEM Education, both at Northeastern University in Boston, Mass. Chin will receive her PhD in Industrial Engineering from Northeastern University in August 2013. She received her MS in Technological Entrepreneurship from Northeastern University, and her BS in Mechanical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.